Thursday, April 30, 2015
Wednesday, April 29, 2015
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Monday, April 27, 2015
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Friday, April 24, 2015
Thursday, April 23, 2015
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Does the phrase "WAKE THE FUCK UP!" ring any bells YET?
I am not an economist. I am not a "certified investment adviser." I'm not an accountant, stockbroker, stockholder, lawyer, bankster, politicunt, or presstitute that "spews their views for profit", either.
I'm also not a farmer, but that doesn't mean I can't smell bullshit from a mile away when it's blowing through my window.
I just have a somewhat usable hunk of fat a'twixt muh ear-holes that I tend to use air now an' again when I dun finds muhself gittin' a tetch on the bordical side o' thangs...or I just get pissed off listening to amazingly moronic people yammering on about STUPID SHIT THAT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER, or parroting whatever COMPLETE AND UTTER BULLSHIT the media is saying that particular second to distract the wilfully ignorant, anti-thinking masses.
Yeah. Some idiot said some stupid shit that irked my gherkin today. Kinda like every other day, really.
I like the works and words of Gerald Celente, Peter Schiff, Ron Paul, Chris Duane, Jim Wyckoff, Gary Wagner, Mickey Fulp, Jeffery Lewis, Keith Fitzgerald and many others who've been desperately trying to tell you many of the same things that I'm about to. If only people would have listened over the last 40 or 50 years.
I also get a great deal of enjoyment and information out of the works and words of Brian Greene, Brian Cox, Stephen Hawking, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Jack Herer, Peter McWilliams, and others...but I won't go into thum thar "hoity toity high falutin' brainocological an' linguisticatin' fellers" too turr'ble much today.
All that having been said...
"If" the US actually does have 8,133.5 (US) tons of gold, and 8,133.5US tons = 237,227,088 ounces of gold, that means that there is less than one ounce per person in the US (population of ~350,000,000), and that is currently valued at about $1200.00/oz ($US) (04/21/2015, 3:00 PM)
0.6779168 of an ounce per person, to be specific. A little more than the weight of two standard quarters...which are made out of copper and steel, these days, instead of the silver they used to be pressed from.
Either the total value of everything that each individual person owns is "actually less than $1,200.00", or the TRUE value of gold is significantly higher than the current "dollar denominated value", or "we've been robbed by the bankers and the politicians.
Much more likely, a skilfully-crafted conspiratorial hybrid combination of all of the above.
Do YOU think that the sum total of your entire life's work is worth as little as $1,200.00? Do you understand that it's REALLY worth considerably less than that, if you're basing it on entirely fraudulent standards and misinformation supplied to you by YOUR EMPLOYEES?
I think that the "true value" of gold is significantly higher than the current "dollar price" affixed to it.
I think that there's a whole lot less "actual physical gold" in the vaults, raising this value even higher than that. If they could ever prove that they have "what they say they have", why has their not been a full accounting and physical audit since the early 1950's?
If the current gold/silver "price ratio" is ~75:1, but the "natural ratio" at which it comes out of the ground is nearer to 9:1, we're both looking at a "manipulated ratio" AND we're also looking at a "manipulated price" which suggests that the TRUE value of silver is about 8.333+ times it's current "US dollar value" of about $16.00/oz. (04/21/2015, 3:00 PM)
That's about $133.33/oz for ONE OUNCE of silver.
Based on an almost limitless degree of documented fraud and behind-the-scenes manipulations.
And that's only "what we know about."
So...if we know that silver is SEVERELY undervalued relative to gold, AND we know that gold is SEVERELY undervalued relative to the US dollar, AND we "can fairly safely assume" that there is CONSIDERABLY LESS physical gold on hand than we're being told--without any evidence to back it up other than "Dooooood! We're the banksters! You can trust us, man!"--then the question is: where would YOU want to put YOUR fiat currency, knowing that eventually, ALL frauds collapse, and all manipulations are eventually detected and ended?
The Canadian gold reserves were sold off in the 80's. We've got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in reserve.
Did the words "Holy fucking shit!!!" just run through your brain? If not, they REALLY should have.
Put as simply as possible, so that people understand the true depth and severity of the situation that they have continued to consider "completely unimportant to even think about": If we don't cover our own asses in the limited amount of time we have left, WE'RE FUCKED. BIG TIME. SIDEWAYS. WITH A PINEAPPLE. STUCK TO A CACTUS. IN THE DESERT. AT MIDNIGHT. STAKED TO A RED FIRE ANT MOUND. WITH A GALLON OF 100% PURE NON-GMO CLOVER HONEY ON OUR BALLS.
And NOBODY is coming to rescue us. When WE go down, THEY will have already hit bottom.
Now does it make a bit more sense why you're NEVER taught ANYTHING about "what money is" or "what debt is" or "how money is created" or how "fiat currency" comes into existence?
You're only supposed to pay for it all, and wonder why YOU are always left with nothing after a lifetime of hard work and hnest effort. Unlike the politicians and bankers and lawyers who designed a system to rape and pillage and plunder us all...withut us ever once even realizing what was happening, until it was all over and done with.
Trouble with that scenario is this: I KNOW. And I just told YOU. If you've got a brain in your head, or "enough functional parts thereof left", you'll start looking into what I've told you, and quit sitting idly by while you're being lied to by millionnaires, billionnaires, trillionnalres, quadrillionnaires, organizations, multinational corporations and governments.
Even though they spend every waking moment trying to find more ways to bleed you dry, from every possible angle.
Most people won't have cared enough to read this far.
Most people are going to be completely fucked...and a lot sooner than they think. You see, THEY know that what they don't know can't hurt them. The only problem with that specific piece of anti-logic is that other people DO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE SENDING YOUR WAY...and THEY are preparing for EVERY contingency.
Every contingency but intelligent, informed, THINKING people no longer willing to be lied to and stolen from by THEIR EMPLOYEES.
Wake the fuck up, people.

I'm also not a farmer, but that doesn't mean I can't smell bullshit from a mile away when it's blowing through my window.
I just have a somewhat usable hunk of fat a'twixt muh ear-holes that I tend to use air now an' again when I dun finds muhself gittin' a tetch on the bordical side o' thangs...or I just get pissed off listening to amazingly moronic people yammering on about STUPID SHIT THAT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER, or parroting whatever COMPLETE AND UTTER BULLSHIT the media is saying that particular second to distract the wilfully ignorant, anti-thinking masses.
Yeah. Some idiot said some stupid shit that irked my gherkin today. Kinda like every other day, really.
I like the works and words of Gerald Celente, Peter Schiff, Ron Paul, Chris Duane, Jim Wyckoff, Gary Wagner, Mickey Fulp, Jeffery Lewis, Keith Fitzgerald and many others who've been desperately trying to tell you many of the same things that I'm about to. If only people would have listened over the last 40 or 50 years.
I also get a great deal of enjoyment and information out of the works and words of Brian Greene, Brian Cox, Stephen Hawking, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Jack Herer, Peter McWilliams, and others...but I won't go into thum thar "hoity toity high falutin' brainocological an' linguisticatin' fellers" too turr'ble much today.
All that having been said...
"If" the US actually does have 8,133.5 (US) tons of gold, and 8,133.5US tons = 237,227,088 ounces of gold, that means that there is less than one ounce per person in the US (population of ~350,000,000), and that is currently valued at about $1200.00/oz ($US) (04/21/2015, 3:00 PM)
0.6779168 of an ounce per person, to be specific. A little more than the weight of two standard quarters...which are made out of copper and steel, these days, instead of the silver they used to be pressed from.
Either the total value of everything that each individual person owns is "actually less than $1,200.00", or the TRUE value of gold is significantly higher than the current "dollar denominated value", or "we've been robbed by the bankers and the politicians.
Much more likely, a skilfully-crafted conspiratorial hybrid combination of all of the above.
Do YOU think that the sum total of your entire life's work is worth as little as $1,200.00? Do you understand that it's REALLY worth considerably less than that, if you're basing it on entirely fraudulent standards and misinformation supplied to you by YOUR EMPLOYEES?
I think that the "true value" of gold is significantly higher than the current "dollar price" affixed to it.
I think that there's a whole lot less "actual physical gold" in the vaults, raising this value even higher than that. If they could ever prove that they have "what they say they have", why has their not been a full accounting and physical audit since the early 1950's?
If the current gold/silver "price ratio" is ~75:1, but the "natural ratio" at which it comes out of the ground is nearer to 9:1, we're both looking at a "manipulated ratio" AND we're also looking at a "manipulated price" which suggests that the TRUE value of silver is about 8.333+ times it's current "US dollar value" of about $16.00/oz. (04/21/2015, 3:00 PM)
That's about $133.33/oz for ONE OUNCE of silver.
Based on an almost limitless degree of documented fraud and behind-the-scenes manipulations.
And that's only "what we know about."
So...if we know that silver is SEVERELY undervalued relative to gold, AND we know that gold is SEVERELY undervalued relative to the US dollar, AND we "can fairly safely assume" that there is CONSIDERABLY LESS physical gold on hand than we're being told--without any evidence to back it up other than "Dooooood! We're the banksters! You can trust us, man!"--then the question is: where would YOU want to put YOUR fiat currency, knowing that eventually, ALL frauds collapse, and all manipulations are eventually detected and ended?
The Canadian gold reserves were sold off in the 80's. We've got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in reserve.
Did the words "Holy fucking shit!!!" just run through your brain? If not, they REALLY should have.
Put as simply as possible, so that people understand the true depth and severity of the situation that they have continued to consider "completely unimportant to even think about": If we don't cover our own asses in the limited amount of time we have left, WE'RE FUCKED. BIG TIME. SIDEWAYS. WITH A PINEAPPLE. STUCK TO A CACTUS. IN THE DESERT. AT MIDNIGHT. STAKED TO A RED FIRE ANT MOUND. WITH A GALLON OF 100% PURE NON-GMO CLOVER HONEY ON OUR BALLS.
And NOBODY is coming to rescue us. When WE go down, THEY will have already hit bottom.
Now does it make a bit more sense why you're NEVER taught ANYTHING about "what money is" or "what debt is" or "how money is created" or how "fiat currency" comes into existence?
You're only supposed to pay for it all, and wonder why YOU are always left with nothing after a lifetime of hard work and hnest effort. Unlike the politicians and bankers and lawyers who designed a system to rape and pillage and plunder us all...withut us ever once even realizing what was happening, until it was all over and done with.
Trouble with that scenario is this: I KNOW. And I just told YOU. If you've got a brain in your head, or "enough functional parts thereof left", you'll start looking into what I've told you, and quit sitting idly by while you're being lied to by millionnaires, billionnaires, trillionnalres, quadrillionnaires, organizations, multinational corporations and governments.
Even though they spend every waking moment trying to find more ways to bleed you dry, from every possible angle.
Most people won't have cared enough to read this far.
Most people are going to be completely fucked...and a lot sooner than they think. You see, THEY know that what they don't know can't hurt them. The only problem with that specific piece of anti-logic is that other people DO KNOW WHAT THEY ARE SENDING YOUR WAY...and THEY are preparing for EVERY contingency.
Every contingency but intelligent, informed, THINKING people no longer willing to be lied to and stolen from by THEIR EMPLOYEES.
Wake the fuck up, people.

Monday, April 20, 2015
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Friday, April 17, 2015
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Monday, April 13, 2015
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Friday, April 10, 2015
Thursday, April 09, 2015
The TOP TWO Cannabis Anti-Prohibition anthems ever written.
It is long past the time when we have been completely aware of the need to REPEAL the fraud which is global cannabis prohibition
NOT "Legalize":
NOT "Decriminalize":
If you want to be first, you've got to stop begging to be!
Once we understand the meaning of the words we have been using for so many decades now, maybe we'll have sense enough to start using the words that represent what we actually mean?
Towards the goal of getting others to be more thoughtful and informed on this subject, here are the TOP TWO Cannabis Anti-Prohibtion anthems ever written:
The Killin' Time Band - Doesn't Make Sense (Marijuana Prohibition)
"Tree of Life" by The Human Revolution
NOT "Legalize":
NOT "Decriminalize":
If you want to be first, you've got to stop begging to be!
Once we understand the meaning of the words we have been using for so many decades now, maybe we'll have sense enough to start using the words that represent what we actually mean?
Towards the goal of getting others to be more thoughtful and informed on this subject, here are the TOP TWO Cannabis Anti-Prohibtion anthems ever written:
The Killin' Time Band - Doesn't Make Sense (Marijuana Prohibition)
"Tree of Life" by The Human Revolution
Wednesday, April 08, 2015
Tuesday, April 07, 2015
An end to the UN as we know it?
The ONLY solution to the problems created, expanded and maintained by cannabis prohibition is to REPEAL Cannabis Prohibition.
NOT "Legalize": ( )
NOT "Decriminalize": ( )
but REPEAL: ( )
If you want to be FREE ( ) the first thing we ALL need to do is to stop begging to be LEGAL ( )
The sooner we all start to use the words that actually express what we MEANT TO SAY, the sooner we'll start gaining some ground, and taking back what the governments and corporations have been slowly taking over, while we have continued to fight amongst ourselves.
Eventually, other people will catch on. The question remains: Will it be too late, when they finally do?
Jack Herer - Hemp Can Save The Planet (Hempstalk 2009)
Jack Herer - Hemp Can Save The Planet (Hempstalk 2009)
I've continued to try to REPEAL Cannabis Prohibition, as Jack understood
was needed to END the problem, and as he himself always wanted.
NOT "Legalize":
NOT "Decriminalize":
If you want to be the first thing we ALL need to do is to stop begging to be
The sooner we all start to use the words that actually express what we
MEANT TO SAY, the sooner we'll start gaining some ground, and taking
back what the governments and corporations have been slowly taking over,
while we have continued to fight amongst ourselves.
Eventually, other people will catch on. The question remains: Will it be too late, when they finally do?
Monday, April 06, 2015
Sunday, April 05, 2015
Saturday, April 04, 2015
Friday, April 03, 2015
Thursday, April 02, 2015
Wednesday, April 01, 2015
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