This may be one of the last warnings you get...

Most people in the US and Canada don't own any silver. Absolutely none. They don't see the need for it.
They also don't own any gold. To be fair, in Canada, gold is over $1700.00 per ounce at the moment, so this is VERY easy to understand. That same amount of fiat debt notes (or zeroes and ones that don't actually even exist) could get you closer to 50 or 60 ounces of silver right now!
But silver is still under $25.00 an ounce, so if we know that ALL FIAT CURRENCIES THROUGHOUT HUMAN HISTORY HAVE CRASHED, and we see what's been going on in the US since 2006/7 (no, the crash didn't end in's actually still "an ongoing event!"), and what's unraveling in the UK at this very minute, you'd think that they'd be trading in some of their "zeroes and ones" or their "pieces of paper with ink on them" for something that holds it's own tangible value, regardless of what some government has decreed?
For those infinitesimally few people out there who don't want to be broke five years down the road, now is a VERY good time to google "Silver" and "Bullion Dealers" and "coin shop" and bone up on what you're going to be in absolutely desperate need to know in a very short time from now.
Just putting it out's up to you if you want to do anything to protect yourself while you still can.
Sadly, very few people will. Even fewer people will share this information with anyone else.
Good luck.
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